Real Rides is a muscle car restoration workshop in Auckland, New Zealand. We specialise in the restoration of 50s-70s American and Australian muscle cars and restomods.
It’s day five, and finally we’re seeing some progress! The paint booth has been in full swing to day, with all the prepwork finally completed.
Day 4 of our 1963 Impala build. The car has been pulled apart even further now, in order to start work on the dash, steering column, and firewall.
Day three of our 63 Impala build. Today the remaining body panels have all been painted, new headers were made, and work began on the rear diffuser.
This might be our most insane project yet! Day 2 has seen the main body of the Impala painted, with the body panels not far behind.
With only 12 days until the Kumeu Classic Car and Hot Rod Festival, we’ve decided to turn this pile of parts into a fully restored, 1963 SS Impala.
Merry Christmas to all our friends, fans, and customers from the Real Rides crew! As a gift to you, here’s some footage of a (not so) little Xmas burnout.
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